General Dentistry


From routine checkups to complex restorations, general dentistry encompasses a range of comprehensive services, including Fillings to treat cavities and enhance oral health.
Crowns and Bridges, made from materials such as porcelain, play a vital role in restoring tooth function and improving appearance. In addition, Root Canal therapy offers a solution for saving severely damaged teeth. All these services contribute to optimal oral health and a confident smile throughout life.

Our General Dentistry Services

Tooth Filling

Dental fillings treat cavities and tooth decay by removing the decay and filling the cavity with medically approved materials. Beyond addressing cavities and preventing infections, fillings help maintain optimal oral health.

Crafted with durable materials, they can withstand chewing and biting, ensuring a long-lasting solution. Fillings can also restore a tooth’s natural appearance, enhancing the overall beauty of your smile.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns and bridges are prosthetics that help restore normal tooth function and enhance your smile. 

In addition to restoring aesthetics, they protect against damages, painful cracks, chips, and fractures. 

Dental bridges and crowns offer a convenient solution for restoring missing teeth.

Root Canal Treatment

It is a dental operation intended to treat problems in the pulp, the soft center of a tooth. A root canal is required to preserve a tooth when extensive decay, fractures, or trauma causes the pulp to become infected or inflamed.

First, we extract the tooth-infected pulp. After that, we clean the inside of the tooth, and then we close the tooth to stop further infection. This process aims to relieve pain, preserve the damaged tooth, reduce the risk of jawbone damage, and eliminate the need for tooth extraction.